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Zoho CloudSQL Adoption in Zoho

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Quicklinks: Overview | Architecture Overview | Developer Info | Adoption Status | Roadmap
Zoho CloudSQL
Adoption Across Zoho Services
Zoho CloudSQL is a middleware technology that allows developers to interact with the data in Zoho through the familiar SQL language. Zoho CloudSQL is a cross‐product service, and its support across the different Zoho services is being implemented. The table below lists the Zoho services that currently support Zoho CloudSQL and the SQL operations they support.
Zoho ServiceSQL Statements SupportedDatabase DriversDocumentation
Zoho Reports
  • Select
  • Insert, Update and Delete to be supported in future

JDBC Driver:

CloudSQL documentation for Zoho Reports
Zoho CloudSQL is in the process of being adopted across other Zoho services that store structured business data.

Next: Roadmap

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