Developers can get started with Zoho CloudSQL in 4 easy steps. The following steps will help you to try out Zoho CloudSQL with Zoho Reports service:
1 | Register and get a Zoho API key for using Zoho CloudSQL |
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Login into Zoho Reports (you need a Zoho User id) and create a database on which you would like to execute the SQL queries. Checkout the help videos on Zoho Reports
Alternatively, you can create a copy of the sample Store Sales database to try out Zoho CloudSQL |
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Download the appropriate Client Library or JDBC Driver based on the programming language you are going to use.
- If you are not using any of the above language specific libraries, you must use the direct Zoho Reports HTTP API for executing the SQL Select Query from within your programming language.
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Executing SQL Select statements
- If you are using JDBC Driver for connectivity, follow the instructions in this page to query using JDBC Driver
- If you are using Python Client library, go through sample file in the Python Client library to know about how to execute a SQL Query
- If you are using any other programming language, you need to use the Zoho Reports HTTP Export API to execute a SQL Query. You need to use the appropriate libraries in that language to make HTTP requests.
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